Ky bell a injections are an alternative to traditional surgeries of the neck area , such as a fac el ift , when patients need to improve their s agging j owl s . This treatment has become increasingly popular as a non - s urgical method of reducing fat deposits in the neck and jaw line . Ky bell a injections use de oxy ch olic acid , which is naturally produced by the body , to break down fat cells and can be used to refine the jaw line , neck , and chin area . Ky bell a injections are available to adults of all ages , but the best results come when the patient uses it as part of a total approach to facial rejuven ation . It ’ s best used with other treatments , such as der mal fill ers or laser resur facing , to give the patient the best possible result . To get the best outcome from Ky bell a , a patient should have realistic expectations about w...
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